The heart is frontier love donation
Updated:2020-12-29 15:51:00 Browse:
Great love has no borders, and the heart is bound to the border, and the people of Nantong are constantly concerned about the children of the border in a long distance! On December 26, 2020, Nantong Enoveparticipated in the "Pomegranate Seed Love Commune" held in the DashengZhongchuang Block "Tong Yi Qing Wan Li" warm heart box activity.

As a representative of the caring enterprise, Qin Xiaopeng, general manager of Nantong Enove, donated a batch of cold-proof hats, masks, disinfectants, school supplies and other materials to children in difficulties in Yining, Xinjiang, to send warm care to the children in the border areas!

Enterprise development is inseparable from social development. INO does not forget its original intention, adheres to its original intention, actively fulfills its social responsibilities, and spreads the fire of love with its own little actions.